Voices from Russia

Sunday, 17 February 2019

17 February 2019. A Warning on “Enemies Within the Gates”


The REAL Church doesn’t uphold the rich and the present order… I thought that you might like to know that


I fear that the plug-uglies won’t go quietly into that dark night. Sadly, Bezos and Buffett will find defenders amongst ordinary sorts. A tip-off is whether someone is Evangelical or not. Interestingly, Mormons and JWs are Evangelicals socially, but not religiously. Evangelicals take Calvin to the extreme, teaching that God blesses the rich. To be fair, Jean Calvin himself would’ve rejected such an interpretation, but American Evangelicals do believe that. The richer you are, the more blessed by God you are. The historical ignorance of most Americans enables the spread of this lunacy. They simply don’t know that Evangelicalism is a relatively-recent heresy, being a product of the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th-century. Since its inception, Evangelicalism devolved into nothing more than a barely-religious apologia for American Exceptionalism, with no resemblance to any form of historical Christianity. The amorphous religious anarchy present amongst Evangelicals mirrors the social anarchy of laissez-faire Capitalism of the most feral sort.

If it came to it, Bezos and Buffett could call on White Evangelicals to uphold their buccaneer Crapitalism. It doesn’t matter that the order of society now regnant is repugnant to and counter to all tenets of historical Christianity. The White Evangelical is ignorant; furthermore, they revel in and relish their ignorance. That’s why Orthodox must be wary of all converts from this movement, as it isn’t Christian in any possible way. Indeed, a “whole new world” must arise in the mind of anyone who transits from Evangelicalism to any form of Christianity (let alone Orthodoxy). That’s why we shouldn’t ordain former Evangelicals as clergy. Experience taught us that they never give up their Evangelical heresy; they merely become Evangelicals with a liturgical itch… one need only look at Trenham and Damick to see the truth of this.

Yes, the White Evangelical would take up arms to defend the rich. In return, the rich would allow them to attain some of their goofier societal notions. That’s why the pro-life movement is evil to the core. It’s not so much about pro-life as it’s become an apologia for the most feral wing of the Republican Party. I fear that real Christians and other people of good will would have to take up arms to defeat this diabolical system and its deluded defenders. No, the neoliberal buccaneers won’t go quietly into that dark night (whether they call themselves “conservatives” or “liberals”, they’re all the same). Whether led by Trump or by Clinton, they’re the culmination of the evil that arose and mushroomed in the age of Reagan and Thatcher. Don’t be deluded. The White Evangelical will form ranks around the rich and their Upper Middle running dogs. Never mistake them for Christians.

Sadly, I’d remark that we must say that of virtually all converts from Evangelicalism to Orthodoxy. They drag Christ and His Church through the mud to defend the rich and the present neoliberal order. Yes, the rich do run things and democracy is deader than the dodo, as the last presidential election proved. Trump and Clinton are two sides of the same evil debased coin. Here’s the most curious part… the typical White Evangelical doesn’t share in the prosperity of the One Percent, but they defend the present order as God-given.

Have a care; we live in parlous times. Yet, there’s hope… the Oak of Mamre collapsed, but new shoots came forth and local Christians nurture and protect them. That’s a sign for us… the times will be difficult, our trial may be very harsh, but we’ll prevail, and life will blossom forth anew. However, in the near term, we must defend ourselves against “enemies within the gates”. Remember, “Not all that glitters is gold”. In like manner, not everything that claims to uphold life does so. Take my hand… the road ahead is very rocky, indeed…


Thursday, 18 October 2018

18 October 2018. I Wrote This Four Years Ago… It’s Truer Today Than It Was Then

This is from six years ago… and it still has tread, too. Bain Capital loaded up Toys r’ Us with debt and looted the store before it folded. Trump & Co chortle at this and applaud it. Vote against the Republican Party, for your very life depends on it.



With Trump & Co loudly calling for cuts to Social Security to finance giveaways to the deadbeat Affluent Effluent, what I wrote four years ago has more resonance today than it did then. The Republicans hate you and wish to rape you for the benefit of their rich paymasters. The Democrats hate you as well, and love the rich just as much, but they’ll leave us with more than what the Repugs would. Ordinary people have no option this year. As bad as the Dems are (and they ARE filthy promoters of neoliberal crapitalism), they’re better than the GOP, who’d leave us with nothing.


With all the chest-beating on the part of the American rightwing… let’s utter a home truth. American cosmonauts have to fly Russian spacecraft to the ISS as the reckless Republican filth wasted the USA’s treasure in useless land wars in Asia that didn’t advance the cause of national defence one iota and on gigantic tax cuts to corporations and to lazy wealthy scummers. That’s a fact, jack…

If you vote for the Republican Party, you vote for anti-patriotism (exporting jobs abroad and nominating cowards who refused to do military service), you vote for anti-life programmes (gutting the social safety net that unwed moms need to raise kids instead of having abortions), and you vote for Might Makes Right (bullying smaller countries and handing the country over to the Country Club Affluent Effluent Set). If you vote against them, you just might have Americans flying American spacecraft again. After all, the money for warmongering and coddling the rich has to come from somewhere…


Vote against the Republican scummers… God will bless you for it (and so will His Holiness… he’s a Red, and don’t you forget it!)…


Sunday, 22 July 2018

22 July 2018. Things That Don’t Go Bump in the Night


There are two descriptors going the routes that are pure bullshit. One is “Cultural Marxist”; the other is “Antifa”. Neither one corresponds to reality; people shouldn’t use either.

Let’s take the first one. I’m a leftist, a Christian Marxist to be precise. I can attest that Cultural Marxism is a total and utter fabrication, an imaginary construct of the Ruling Establishment. Virtually all of those labelled Cultural Marxists are in academe, not in real life at all. Most real Marxists want nothing to do with the cultural anarchy proposed by these sorts. Mind you, I believe that we should leave people alone and not legally persecute them for their choices. However, that isn’t the same as approving societal anarchy and labelling it “good”. The so-called Cultural Marxists are mostly university-bound Ivory Tower domeheads with no influence on real-world Marxists such as Comrades Zyuganov and Xi (or on real-world leftists in general). People will do what they’ll do and we shouldn’t give them legal penalties to punish them for their choices unless they actually hurt others or use force to coerce others into their practises. I’ll assert that most “non-traditional sexual minorities” (to use Patriarch Kirill’s careful and non-judgemental phraseology) don’t hurt anyone else nor do they coerce others to follow them. We should leave them be and let them live their lives in peace. If they show proper decorum, and respect other’s contrary choices, what’s there to complain about? That goes for all parties on all sides of the question, of course.

Antifa supposedly describes the Anti-fascist Left. As a real-life anti-fascist leftist, I can attest that it doesn’t go bump in the night, either. It’s a straw-man, an imaginary will o’ the wisp. It conceals the fact that a good deal of the Radical Right is, indeed, organised and disciplined. It posits a notional left that’s equally organised and disciplined (I wish that were so, but it isn’t, sadly enough). I can assure you that most leftists never heard of Antifa until it appeared in the media about a year ago. I certainly didn’t. None of my acquaintances and associates did either. There was no such organisation, nor was there any such real-life group calling itself thus until the label first appeared in the media. It’s utter bullshit from top to bottom; it’s complete moonshine from stem to stern. I wish that we leftists were as organised as some of the Radical Right is. I truly do, it’d mean that we might be able to fight the oligarchs and their Upper Middle minions and attack-dogs more effectively. However, an organised and disciplined movement called “Antifa” doesn’t exist, nor is there any indication that it’d arise anytime soon (or anytime later, for that matter).

Don’t let the Establishment and the Right label us. Explain things to those who might listen, pay no heed to the invincibly ignorant, and oppose the actual Radical Right (the smallest group of the three I just mentioned). Just because someone reposts Radical Right material doesn’t mean that they’re Radical Righties themselves. Have a care and show some charity and discernment. Don’t turn real and potential friends into implacable and hardened enemies… that’s the real intent of the Ruling Establishment assholes who invented the trashy “Cultural Marxist” and “Antifa” concepts in the first place (it’s divide et impera at its finest). Keep it focused and sweet.


Tuesday, 22 May 2018

22 May 2018. Jesus Didn’t Demand Co-Pays! Single-Payer NOW


Have you noticed that so-called “pro-lifers” often oppose single-payer and support Republicans who savage poor people? I’m not the only one to call that hypocritical and evil…


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