Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Beslan Began Three Days of Mourning in Memory of the Victims of the 2004 Terrorist Attack

Memorial to the Victims of the Beslan Terrorist Attack


For the past six years, Beslan doesn’t meet 1 September like the rest of Russia {in Russia, 1 September, “The Day of Knowledge”, is the traditional date of school opening: editor}, the children here do not go to school, they, together with all the adults, remember that terrible day in September 2004 when terrorists seized the local school, holding it for three dark days at the beginning of the school year, which divides local history into the time before the terrorist action in Beslan and after its bloody conclusion. At that time, more than a thousand people were at the mercy of the criminals, who held them for two days without food, water, and medicine. After three days of attempted negotiations with the militants, on 3 September, a major operation was launched to free the captives. In the gym, where most of the captives were held, there were large explosions and indiscriminate firing from both sides.

This terrorist act claimed the lives of 186 children, if you add in the adult victims, the incident claimed over 330 lives. Only one of the terrorists was taken alive, a court sentenced him to life imprisonment. Memorial events in Beslan will continue for three days. These days, near the ruins of the destroyed school, funeral music will play all day, people will lay flowers and wreaths, and, in the evening, they will light candles at the school and in the Beslan cemetery, where the victims of this tragedy are buried. On the second day, a cross will be set up on the site of the school, where an Orthodox chapel will be built in future. Lastly, on the third day, clergy will serve a Pannikhida in the schoolyard and the leading figures of North Ossetia will take part in a memorial ceremony.

1 September 2010

Voice of Russia World Service


Editor’s Note:

Reflect on this… many of the terrorists in the Northern Caucasus took Uncle Sugar’s shilling. It was done to weaken Russia… it didn’t matter that innocent civilians were killed in the process. “When you make an omelette, you have to break eggs… so be it”, was something I heard from one of those sorts. That is, Palin and Beck approve of actions such as Beslan (it certainly puts their screams about the “mosque” in a new light, doesn’t it?)… as do the backers of the Tea Party. They will stop at nothing to preserve and expand their profits.

When you support the Tea Party, you support terrorism and torture throughout the world. Think on that…

Also, this is how Orthodox Christians and Muslims honour their dead… we don’t wave placards and act like bezkulturny hooligans as the American Sectarian louts do. Let God see and judge.


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