Voices from Russia

Sunday, 23 January 2011

23 January 2011. The REAL Face of the Church… The Face of the REAL Church…

Editor’s Foreword:

There is much rubbish posted on the ‘net by konvertsy, so much so that their childish doodling obscures the actual visage of the Church. Don’t ever argue with such sorts… it’s pointless and witless, for all that it does is to entrench the konvertsy in their obstinate delusions, and it shall frustrate you to no good end. If these sorts are off the beam… well, what do we follow? Look at the following images…





































President Dmitri Medvedev (1965- ) and his wife Svetlana Medvedeva (1965- ) at services. They have a son, Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev (1995- ), whom they keep out of the media limelight, as good Christian parents ought.


Editor’s Afterword:

Orthodoxy isn’t something that you learn from a book… and it’s not on the rack, ready-made in a store… maybe, just maybe, it’s a little bit more…

Yes, I shamelessly cribbed from Dr Seuss’ Grinch… you bet… don’t go quoting the Fathers when Dr Seuss or Foghorn Leghorn will turn the trick nicely. I got the following from one of my correspondents:

X attends my parish… good thing… they’re teaching us everything we didn’t learn about Orthodoxy in Sunday School, and what our moms and babas forgot to tell us… another know-all convert like Whiteford. (One of my relatives) attends an MP parish and they tell me they’re not pushing tickets for the Blunder’s concert, either…

This isn’t unique. We can see that mewling babes have seized the steering wheel; they’re heading for the cliff at 100 klicks an hour. They’re laughing maniacally and thinking that they’re in total control. They make each other priests, deacons, and “readers”… serving in Lilliputian parishes that rarely have more than forty people present on an average Sunday. This is NOT Living Orthodoxy.

Just as bad are those who forever quote this or that Father… or this or that theologumena… not realising that much of it isn’t binding dogma. The Holy Spirit is a Living Presence in the Church… it’s not a prisoner in a cage constructed by self-important scholars, immature neophytes, and jumped-up pseudo-monastic frauds. These sorts hate the accommodations that the Church makes to save people’s souls… “Canon XXX says such-and-so, therefore, you’re excommunicated and out of the Church”. This lot is nothing but a bunch of braying jackasses laden down with a WEIGHTY cargo of books. This isn’t Living Orthodoxy, either.

What’s Living Orthodoxy? Look at the images… look at these lovely people… THAT’S the Living and Alive Church. That’s Truth…

Christ is risen from the dead… you can see it reflected in their faces, can’t you?


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