Voices from Russia

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Thank You to the Ukraine!

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It took guts to do this. No doubt, the Uniate nationalist filth will try to brutalise those who showed their compassion to their fellow members of Rus… it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that most of those doing this were Orthodox who favour the patriot cause. Honour those who did this… they did so at personal risk and knowing that they could receive a beating (or worse) from Uniate/schismo thugs. THAT’S COURAGE.


Previously, we spoke of the demented glee of the scoundrels who seized power in the Ukraine last year at the Russian plane crash in Egypt. Now, we want to express our gratitude to the ordinary Ukrainians who share our grief for our dead.

Thank you, our brothers and sisters.

This the REAL Kiev. People laid flowers at the fence of the Russian Embassy and lit candles in memory of those killed in the Russian airliner crash.

31 October 2015

Sergei Zagatin

Zhurnalistskaya Pravda


31 October 2015. Translated Russian Demot… We Wanted a New Order!

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Last year, the word on the street in Kiev was “the Rabbit (A P Yatsenyuk) shits in a solid-gold toilet”. It’s become a popular meme in both Russia and amongst patriot circles in the Ukraine. What drives the Uniate nationalists bat-shit crazy is that they can’t find and brutalise the patriot elements posting anti-junta material on the social networks. Just as Bernie is the only candidate who understands the role of social media in the coming election, the Russians and patriot elements in Novorossiya and the Ukraine understand the role of social media in the present war in the failed Ukrainian pseudo-state. The Americans and their Uniate stooges do NOT… the Americans are stuck in a 1990s time warp and the Uniate nationalists are caught up in a timeless denial of the reality about them.

The peoples living in the Ukrainian successor-state suffer privation and want… the USA doesn’t give a good goddamn, and their local Uniate stooges give even less of a hoot about the people. The oligarchs party on, on the edge of the abyss. It shows you the true undisguised face of “conservatism” and capitalism… it’s ugly, isn’t it? They call themselves “religious” and “respectable”… they LIE…


31 October 2015. As Seen By Vitaly Podvitsky… We Grieve

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We Grieve

Vitaly Podvitsky



There aren’t any words to express it. It’s terrible even to think of what the relatives of the victims feel. I wish to keep silence… I wish that this would never happen to anyone.

We grieve.

Vitaly Podvitsky




There’s only one decent response to death… you bow before the survivors and say nothing. You embrace them, and whisper softly, “You aren’t alone”… that’s all. That’s enough…


31 October 2015. Matushka Lila Ann Regan… Memory Eternal!

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Lila Ann Regan died on Tuesday, 27 October 2015, after suffering two years with multiple myeloma, a form of bone marrow cancer.

She was born in Hollywood CA in May 1946, but she lived her early years in nearby Pasadena. Then, she met her husband of 39 years, Michael, at the then-new St John Chrysostom mission in Pasadena CA. The couple married in 1976, promptly going for three years to St Vladimir Seminary in Yonkers NY. She worked for Pacific Bell for over ten years, then, transferred to New York Bell for three years. After that, for many years, she was an elementary school secretary at Fairmont Elementary School in Vacaville School District, from which she retired in 2012. At the same time, as an Orthodox priest’s wife (‘matushka’ [Russian for “Little Mother”]), first at St Herman in Oxnard CA (1979-83), and then at St Michael, now in Concord CA, for 32 years, ever-faithful in her service as the “sunshine lady” and friendly voice for everyone.

She is survived by her husband, Archpriest Michael, and three children, Thomas, Nicholas, and Kristia, and by her three sisters, Doris Holmes, Bernice Shaheen, Linda Rafeedie, her brother George Rafeedie, and many extended family members. Services for Matushka Lila will be Saturday, 7 November, with the funeral beginning at 11.00 at St Michael Orthodox Church, 2425 Olivera Road, Concord CA., with interment following at Oakmont Cemetery in Lafayette CA.

Please make donations in Lila’s name to St Michael’s Orthodox Church in lieu of flowers.

The parish website is here. Contact them with all enquiries.

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