Voices from Russia

Thursday, 18 October 2012

“Nauseating” to “Intense”: American Media Swells with Debate Reaction

This requires no comment from me… it’s why no decent person can vote for Willard Romney… full stop…


For some, it was a “nauseating” pseudo-clash of wonky compassionless political automatons. For others, it was an “intense” and substantial clash on live TV of competing ideologies and visions for the immediate future of the USA. Whatever the perspective, on Wednesday, the American media was bursting with a torrent of opinions, assessments, and solemn pronouncements on the performances of Democrat President Barack Obama and his Republican rival for the White House, Mitt Romney, in their latest public debate. Here is a sampling of some of the best comments (and links to the full article) on online American media following Tuesday’s debate:

  • The headline in an article on the Forbes website moaned, “Romney vs Obama Was a Nauseating Draw, and Both Deserve to Lose”.
  • A television news anchor on CBS exclaimed, “We’ve never seen anything like that in presidential history. It was the most rancorous presidential debate ever”.
  • An opinion piece in the conservative Washington Times charged, “Another debate, another débâcle for America’s media”.
  • The New York Times stated in a report summarising the debate, “The exchanges were intense and personal”.
  • A pro-Obama analysis published on the Huffington Post website explained, “The result is a race that’s at once clearer and just as uncertain”.
  • The headline over a news story published on The Wall Street Journal website blared, “Candidates Tangle in Fractious Debate”.
  • Josh Gerstein, White House reporter for the Politico website, opined in an interview on Washington’s WTOP radio, “If it was a draw, I think the draw in this case goes to the president, because the onus was really on him to come out of his gate strong here, which he did”.
  • Using a term from baseball to describe when the batter takes a big swing and fails to connect with the ball, in a story labelled “analysis” on its website CNN asserted, “Romney Whiffs on Some Easy Pitches”.
  • Ron Fournier, veteran White House correspondent, complained in an article published by the National Journal, “Bottom line: Obama and Romney scored points while turning off independent voters with their point-scoring”.
  • Dave McConnell, congressional correspondent for WTOP radio, asserted, “President Obama came back big-time from the way he was a week ago”.

17 October 2012



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