Voices from Russia

Friday, 25 June 2010

25 June 2010. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words… “Transparency” in Action

JP smiling at Quentin L Cook “the thirteenth most senior apostle in the ranks of the Church”.


On Friday 18 June 2010, JP had two choices. He could go to NYC for the opening of a major art exhibition blessed by Metropolitan Vladimir Sabodan of Kiev and sponsored by the UOC (MP), or he could go to a party of well-heeled neocons in Foggy Bottom to schmooze with all the George Weigels of this world. In New York, Bishop Aleksandr Drabinko of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, the Acting Chairman of the UOC (MP) DECR, and Igumena Serafima Shevchik, the Chairman of the MP Synodal Department for Church and Culture, represented the Church. NO OCA bishops or clergy were noted as being present. NONE. It is customary to have “equivalence” at events… that is, if a bishop of another Local Church visits, he is met by at least another bishop. That didn’t happen here. JP chose to associate with godless Mormons and anti-Orthodox neocons on Friday and to attend a papist ecumaniac lovefeast on Tuesday. JP chose to leave the UOC (MP) delegation in the lurch (and saw to it that you didn’t hear of the exhibition on oca.org). He is telling you (and everyone else, too) something.


I think that Owen, Chris, “John”, and “Gavriil” need to adjust their priorities. The times are getting dicey, and puppies such as these can give no one any useful information or advice… their precious tinhorn hero and idol has spat on them and laughed. That’s NEVER pleasant. It’s time for all four of you to cease your internet postings. It’s time for you to be silent, observe, listen, and attend to what the old hands are saying. The times are now perilous… young ‘uns such as yourself should get off the field before you’re hurt in the crossfire.

I certainly hate none of you… but I shall speak my mind openly and without equivocation. None of you are doing useful work such as translating news articles and getting “the rest of the story” out to our Orthodox compatriots in this country. You’ve been pandered to by Renovationists for low motives. I’m sorry for that, it has pushed your development back. There’s real work to be done by real people… you don’t have the experience or knowledge necessary for the task.

Take a good look at the snap posted above… it’s what has happened because of two generations of pandering to ignorant konvertsy. We’ve got to get back on the right road… and we can’t do that until we understand that Orthodoxy is not quoting the canons in bad translations or misusing the Patristic deposit. It’s time to go home… home is not perfect… home is not sinless… but our home is our home… and it’s NOT the nostrums peddled by SVS and Syosset.

There’s no place like home…

Barbara-Marie Drezhlo

Friday 25 June 2010

Albany NY

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev Thinks that an all-Orthodox Council may be Possible in the Next Few Years

This pixie dust is more substantial than any “all-Orthodox Council”… we’ll not see such in our day… you can bank on that.

An all-Orthodox Council bringing together all the Local Churches may be possible in the next few years. “Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who is the first amongst equals amongst the Orthodox peoples, set out to hold this council in the next few years. When he recently visited Moscow, he said that he would like to convene it within a year or two, at the maximum, in three years “, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Volokolamsk, the head of the MP Department for External Church Relations, told reporters on Thursday in Warsaw. In late May, when Patriarch Bartholomew visited Russia, he said that he had decided to accelerate the process of preparing an all-Orthodox Council, noting that the outcome of this historic event “would have great significance for the entire Orthodox world”, according to a post on the website of the MP DECR. Preparation for such a council started back in the 1960s. Meetings of all-Orthodox Pre-Conciliar committees and preparatory commissions have met for discussions. This council would have to resolve the questions requiring a common all-Church solution that have accumulated over the centuries since the last, and Seventh, Ecumenical Council. There have been four Pan-Orthodox Pre-Conciliar Consultations (Chambésy, 1976, 1982, 1986, and 2009) and six meetings of preparatory committees (Geneva, 1971; Chambésy, 1986, 1990, 1993; 1999, and 2009). The long break in the convening of preparatory meetings was due to the complications in inter-Orthodox relations caused by disagreements between the MP and the EP on ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Estonia. A meeting of First Hierarchs and other representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches in October 2008 in Istanbul made possible the resumption of inter-Orthodox cooperation in the preparation of an all-Orthodox Council.

24 June 2010



Editor’s Note:

The Boy Wonder’s disconnect with reality is profound and deep. Whenever he talks with reporters, he shoots off his mouth, usually, to end shooting himself in the foot. When the journalists involved press him to the mat, as the Der Spiegel guys did, he has a hissy fit. This is complete and utter hooey… it’s not reported on the main MP website. It’s only on the Boy Blunder’s website, but The Three Stooges (Reardon, Jacobses, and Stokoe) will pick this up and trumpet about a “forthcoming Council”.

Use the brain that God gave you. If there was going to be an announcement about an upcoming all-Orthodox Council, it would be made in Moscow, in the course of a service at the Khram Spasitelya, and His Nibs Himself would proclaim it. There would be full news coverage, Vlad Legoida would have full press packets prepared for the journalists, and you would have people like President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin, Lyubov Slishka, and Vladimir Yakunin giving their considered opinion on the upcoming event. A thorough and vigorous campaign in the Church and secular media would precede it. None of that has happened. This is nothing but 24-carat BS and solid gold malarkey. Hilarion Valerievich is smoking some badass weed and I want to know who his contact is… judging by the results, it’s arse-kicking stuff.

All kidding aside… let’s be serious. Bart was in Moscow… why didn’t he say this? Why didn’t KMG? You’re asking me to believe that KMG and Bart left it all up to the Boy Wonder to announce this development in a minor visit to Warsaw a month after Bart’s departure… RIGHT. Treebeard the Ent has more reality than this statement. He certainly makes more sense…

Don’t be hasty!

(Shaking my head in wonderment at it all) It does take ALL kinds, doesn’t it? Covering Orthodoxy is NEVER boring.

By the way… if you believe that everything with his name on it was written by the Boy Blunder, do think again. No one has the time to be a full-time church bureaucrat who flits all over the globe and have the time to write books or compose music. I’ll say this… it speaks highly of the gullibility of the average English-speaking convert. All of Moscow knows that this poseur uses a ringer in the Gnessin to do most of the scutwork in his musical compositions. It shows you how superficial suburban Americans are… they’re bowled over by his impeccable English and his “credentials”. He’s nothing but an “empty suit”… and a particularly vacuous one at that.


Residence of the Catholic Archbishop in Brussels in Belgium Searched

Filed under: Christian,EU,legal,moral issues,Pro-Life,religious,Roman Catholic — 01varvara @ 00.00

St Rombout. Basilica of Our Lady of Hanswijk, Mechelen, Belgium. (Unknown Artist, 20th century)

On Thursday, Belgian police, during an investigation of a criminal case of paedophilia, raided the residence of Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard of Mechelen-Brussels, the Catholic Primate of Belgium, the Belgian newspaper Morhen reported. Then, detectives raided the Cathedral of St Rombout in Mechelen. According to the newspaper, they even searched the crypt of the cathedral. The search coincided with the [Belgian] Bishops’ Conference. The police searched for evidence to support allegations of sexual abuse of minors, which the Procurator’s Office in Brussels was informed of earlier. The precise circumstances of the case, the identity, and the age of the possible victims are unknown. In the Belgian city of Leuven, the Commission investigating sexual crimes amongst the clergy also conducted a search. Earlier, the Bishop of Bruges was dismissed when investigation proved his guilt in a case of child sexual abuse involving a young boy.

24 June 2010



Procession in honour of the image of Our Lady of Hanswijk in 2009… yes, there are abusers amongst the papist clergy… here are the people that they betrayed. I feel for them… they are getting screwed by the same sorts who have been screwing us Orthodox all these years. Evil is evil and good is good… you don’t need a seminary education to figure that one out!

Editor’s Note:

There is more to this than meets the eye initially. Of course, uninformed and spastic jerks such as Dreher are going to join the cause to denounce the Belgian Catholic clergy. Well… I’ll tell my papist friends that we’re not innocent… no, not in the least. If only a tithe of the rumours concerning a certain bishop are true (both those from Paris and those from New York), we have no right “bad-dogging” anyone else. Indeed, we have tolerated far worse than this, if the allegations are true. Ya wanna know the truth? Here’s a website for you:


Cappy and Melanie have been sliced, diced, selected, detected, and rejected by the loudmouth goodthinkers in Orthodoxy for exposing abusive clergy. In short, they’re neat folk who paid the price of speaking up (I know that personally, myself). They’re worth attending to…

There is another reason for the raid on the Archbishop’s residence… note well that he is not charged with anything, not even covering up the mess after the fact. Archbishop André-Joseph is the most traditional of the Catholic episcopate in Belgium. He has taken a firm stance against both euthanasia and abortion, and this angered the secularist loudmouths. Here’s the Socialist Party’s take on the Archbishop:

We insist that Archbishop Léonard respect the democratic decisions taken by the institutions of our country. For the Socialist Party, the rights and duties that people adopt democratically take precedence over religious traditions and commandments, without any exception.

There’s the REAL reason for it all. Archbishop André-Joseph refuses to compromise with the secularists and, doncha know, he approves of and celebrates that retrograde Tridentine Mass! If there were a scintilla of evidence against him, his political positions would ensure that the authorities would have him in the dock to pay for those (although any sexual abuse is evil in and of itself, obviously).

I oppose false ecumenism with the papists. For instance, what JP did at the Lumen Gentium conference was evil. All that it did was to confirm certain people (both papist and Orthodox) in their error. I think that responsible RCs would agree with me (in fact, I confide that I KNOW that they do so!). That being said, I believe that we can live as “good neighbours”, and that we should have decent and friendly relations on the human level. “Send us no more letters on doctrine… send us letters of friendship only”… now, that’s the ticket! Richard! Where did you put that church key? There’s a bottle to be opened…


What Threw the Schismatics?

Ukrainian faithful on otpust


Editor’s Foreword:

This is abridged… as Mr Anisimov enthusiastically beats up purveyors of schismatic gibberish to the detriment of his point (he makes me look restrained… damn, we gotta mark that one down!). Some of it only makes sense to those of us with extensive knowledge of Russia. Therefore, material is omitted… but none of it’s essential to Mr Anisimov’s point. In any case, I only have a limited amount of time for translation. I also want you to read the good stuff that he has to say.


The interview with Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople on the TV channel Vesti caused an anxious reaction amongst those in the Philaret schism {the so-called Ukrainian Orthodox Church/Patriarchate of Kiev (UOC/KP: editor}. We can express it as follows, “The patriarch didn’t say anything, but if he did say anything, it wasn’t about us. Well, if he did, it’s not in that sense, and if anything was in that sense, it was in the wrong tone. If it was in that tone, he didn’t mean it that way, he meant to say something else, but if he meant to say something, he used the wrong words, those aren’t right, but if you look at what he said, he said nothing”. Again and again in a circle. In any case, “It’s a provocation ginned up in Moscow”.

You wonder why Philaret’s lot tries to obscure the obvious. In fact, two sentences from the Patriarch’s TV interview caused all their panic. The presenter asked [the Patriarch] this question, “Let’s look at the [canonical] territory of the [Moscow Patriarchate]. In the Ukraine, the Church has suffered from schismatics, but in recent years, many of the fallen found their way back into the bosom of Mother Church. Some still have doubts. What would you say to these people?” Patriarch Bartholomew said, “They shouldn’t hesitate; they should join themselves to the canonical Church, which is the ark of salvation. Today, at lunch, I told Vladyki Vladimir (the First Hierarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church/Moscow Patriarchate) that I wished that he’d see a solution to this problem in his lifetime and an end to this schism”.

Of course, we all wish that the schism would cease to exist in the Ukraine, for schism isn’t pleasant, but would they foment a new one? Is there any patriarch in world Orthodoxy who hasn’t called upon those stumbling in schism to do this? However, Denisenko (who calls himself “Philaret”) carries on, he doesn’t rush to enter the ark of salvation, and he doesn’t allow his deceived flock to enter either. They’ll keep up their lie. However, their first cries of “Help!” attract, as usual, the Uniates. Although, strictly speaking, what do Uniates have to with Orthodox anyway? Taras Antoshevsky, the head of the Uniate website RISU, in an interview with Kommersant, said, “The division should be overcome, but this doesn’t mean that the UOC/KP must crawl on their knees to Moscow”. Where did he get that? Where did the patriarch say or suggest that? Why are the Uniates so convinced that our schism must develop that way? On the other hand, is it a fact that those who’re born to crawl can’t fly? Why should schismatics crawl to Moscow, and not to the nearest Orthodox parish? Glory to God, there are more than 11,000 [parishes] in the Ukraine, and every one of them embodies the ark of salvation. In Kiev, Mikhail Denisenko may be under an anathema, but all he has to do is to cross to the opposite side of the street by the Botanical Gardens, you can spit across it, in fact. However, Antoshevsky insinuates that schismatics have to travel over three seas to Istanbul, as “in speaking about a return to the canonical Mother Church, Bartholomew didn’t mention the Moscow Patriarchate. However, he has repeatedly said that the Church of Constantinople is such a mother church for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church”. Who crawls amongst them at least until the middle of the Dnepr? “Why it’s our Uniate friends… they’re not our enemies”. Where did that liar Antoshevsky hear that Patriarch Bartholomew called the schismatics to return to the Church of Constantinople? You can’t go back from whence you didn’t come out. Our schismatics have never been in the Church of Constantinople, they broke away from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in 1990, and that’s where they should return. Therefore, the Patriarch said to the First Hierarch of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and all the Ukraine, that he wished that the Philaret and autocephalist schisms would die out during his lifetime. What’s so incomprehensible about that?


The UOC/MP faithful… standing tall against the schismatics and the Uniates


By the way, the Uniates, rather than see an orderly end to the spread of the Ukrainian schism, truly think that we’re demanding that they crawl [to us]. After all, the Unia is no less a disaster for Christianity than schism is. Maybe, this will take a historical path… they might go [to the Church] in Byelorussia (although, that’s unlikely), and, then, to the Mother Church of Constantinople. They must do penance for the murder of St Nikifor, the Exarch of the local Church of Constantinople, and for the hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christians killed in the era of the Polish Rzeczpospolita. They must repent for the ruin of thousands of Orthodox monasteries and churches, and for the “sea of blood and tears” shed over the centuries in the Ukraine due to the Unia. The Local Church of Constantinople considers the Unia sinful, it’s an ecclesiological heresy that has no right to exist, it isn’t Christian. It’s no wonder the organisers of the Unia such as M. Rogoza et al, just as Denisenko (the so-called “Philaret”) is, are anathema. Therefore, the Patriarch of Constantinople would be delighted with the abolition of the Unia, along with all of Orthodoxy. It would be no less a happy occasion than the end of the Ukrainian schism would be. The current Unia (referring to Galician Uniates in general) was a simple matter. They broke away from the UOC/MP in 1990, but they took great care not to crawl too far away from Orthodoxy. Many of its priests and laity before the violent imposition of Catholicism were Orthodox, many with authority in the Church; they were an integral part of our people. In short, the Uniates should seek out the schismatics and crawl back with them. It’d be nice if this were to happen during the lifetime of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir.

The schismatics received a curious consolation from the young Lvov Uniate theologian Andrei Yurash. He suggested that the Philaret crowd and the autocephalists shouldn’t shudder in convulsions because of the “bitter statements” of Patriarch Bartholomew. Yurash recalled that Patriarch Bartholomew, speaking in Odessa in 1995 (in fact, it was 1997), called the Ukrainian schismatics “demon spawn”. Of course, compared with this definition, let’s say that a call to enter the ark of salvation to end the schism is almost a lark. In any case, is the first case truly opposed to the second? Yurash explained the statements of the Patriarch and the pomp-and-circumstance given him in Russia as peculiarities of Byzantine diplomacy, which, by the definition used by “religious scholars”, consists of “Jesuitical and sophisticated techniques sprinkled with flattering lies”. He concluded, “He won funds and means of influence from the MP”, but he encouraged the schismatics by saying, “There’s no guarantee that it will always be so”. He reported that, previously, Patriarch Bartholomew held secret negotiations with schismatics in Istanbul and expressed his sympathy [with them]. “The depth of the expression of these sympathies will depend on the specific material and spiritual gifts that his guests can bring to the Phanar”, Yurash concluded. Yurash advised the schismatics thusly, “Therefore, your hierarchy must be, simply put, ‘shut their mouths’, put their ambition to the side, suppress their personal desires, and to call upon the Phanar to negotiate terms on which a dialogue can be resumed, and outline future church structures that would be part of world Orthodoxy, not only the rubble of its Moscow variety”. These arguments drawn from “religious scholarship”, I’d say, are weak. If Constantinople’s for sale, then, why, in the above-mentioned narrative of Yurash, in Odessa, where none of the authorities met with Patriarch Bartholomew, did he make far more menacing statements against the schismatics than in the welcoming atmosphere of Russia? Perhaps, in the Church there’s still something other than corruption? However, be that as it may be, the schismatic “hierarchy” didn’t heed Yurash’s wise advice and didn’t even think to shut up, at least, the excommunicated Mikhail Denisenko (the so-called “Philaret”) and his henchman Evstraty Zorya still remained on the rampage.

Get the following picture… when the highest hierarchs of the Local Orthodox Churches came to the Ukraine to talk with the authorities about the schism, they said that the Church, through its canons and the grace of God, declared schism sinful. On the other hand, the Church is true and gracious; it calls everyone to repent and to return to its bosom. We didn’t hear nor see it, because there was an information blockade, and when it was broadcast abroad, it was called rigged provocation, some organised a commotion against it. The visit of Patriarch Bartholomew to Russia was very widely publicised in church and secular media, the news reported and television broadcast his sermons and speeches. Where’s the darkness? The most active, dare we call them hysterical, efforts to refute the words of Patriarch came from one of those anathematised, Evstraty Zorya. His comments on this occasion weren’t in the nature of news posts. This is understandable… suddenly, the schismatics hear the Patriarch, and he said that they should immediately return to the canonical Church, to the ark of salvation… what’s one to do? Viktor Yanukovich is the spiritual child of Elder Zosima Sokur of Donetsk, he truly loathes schismatics and considers them as Patriarch Bartholomew did, as “demon spawn”. President Yanukovich met with the Patriarchs of Alexandria, Moscow, and Constantinople, and with elders on Mount Athos, who, without any equivocation, spoke out on “who’s what” in the Ukraine. Patriarch Bartholomew even urged Viktor Fyodrovich to promote the restoration of the unity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This couldn’t but alarm the schismatics. Shall they cease to exist? That’s unknown, but it’s obvious that without the support of the authorities, it’ll be much harder for these parasites to prey on the faith of our people.

July 2010

Vasili Anisimov

Head of the Press Service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)

Bulletin of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)

As quoted in Interfax



Wanna see Orthodox people… look at the Cossacks! Now, that’s REAL!


Editor’s Afterword:

This isn’t from a private website or news agency… this was issued by the UOC/MP through its official media by the official press officer of Metropolitan Vladimir. They’re standing tall… they’re eating their Wheaties… they’re telling the schismatics and Uniates “what for” without equivocation. That’s the ticket. It’s not a mealy-mouthed JP mewling and grovelling in front of papists, Episkies, and Proddies, being applauded by slack-jawed SVSers and konvertsy. I’ll tell ya what, Stokoe! Peddle your rubbish to Mr Anisimov! Be sure to tell him how you applaud JP kissing up to the heterodox (especially, how he sucks up to Uniates) and how you approve of big payoffs to defrocked priests. Hoo boy… I’d PAY to see those fireworks! I’d LOVE to see Anisimov slice and dice the konvertsy after they bleat about being “nice” and being “loving”. Wouldn’t ya want to see a bunch of real down-home Cossacks go after the HOOMies? I’ve been reading Vasya too long tonight… it’s getting my true-blue Russian dander up!

Damn… I gotta be “nice” or I’m going to be accused of being “hateful” again. That’s NO fun. I’ll tell you what… after you’ve read this, you can see that I’m not an “isolated case”… I’m quite in the real Russian Orthodox mainstream. Here’s my challenge to you… do you want to join us happy Russian Orthodox warriors and fight for what is right and true? Good… you young ‘uns… keep silent until you learn a thing or two. You’ll be better for it. You don’t? Okay… why don’t you join the Episcopalians? Or, become Uniates (as Freddie’s kid is reputed to be)? Or, go off and create your own pure little sect? Trust me… you’ll be happier there than with us. As for the rest of us… raise your glass and smile! The Good Lord’s creation is grand… and there’ll be no phoney pietistic looks tolerated here. Be good, all.


Editor’s Postscript:

A priest sent me the following:

You said it… they’d be happier there, because they are really Prods and that’s all they want, their own little “church” in their own image… like all the other Prod “churches”, they’re nothing but a sect…

Well, JP was photographed smiling at Quentin L Cook, the “Apostle” of the Mormons. If “like calls unto like” and “birds of a feather flock together”, what does this tell us about JP? After all, the Mormons are emphatically NOT Christians… and the last time I looked, the UOC/MP WERE Christians. Photo-ops for militantly godless non-Christians… but NOTHING for brave Orthodox confessors. Send JP no cash… starve him out.



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