Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Humiliation of Russia in the Ukraine

00 #savedonbasspeople 02. 28.05.14


The recent activities of the new illegal Ukrainian authorities to “clean up” the “rebellious” former eastern Ukraine before they inaugurate their new president are illegal, and their refusal to negotiate with either Novorossiya or Russia is a new humiliation of Russia. This same thing happened in the 1990s in Yugoslavia and in the 2000s in Libya.  Russia’s position isn’t considered and they don’t even want to hear it. Even more, they refuse to pay the debts for natural gas supplied earlier. However, the situation today isn’t like that. War has come to Russia’s doorstep. In the Ukraine, they kill Russian people and try to destroy part of the Russian world. Moreover, the current leader of Russia is someone who doesn’t like it when others try to humiliate him personally or to dishonour his country. Today, for Russia not to intervene in the Ukraine is a betrayal of the Russian people in the Ukraine, a betrayal of the Ukraine, as nonhuman zombies seized the government, and a betrayal of Russia itself. The people of Donetsk, Mariupol, and Donetsk die under junta artillery and air attacks; they appeal to Russia, “Russia, save us!” Now, Russia must intervene to protect its fellow citizens. Otherwise, there is no forgiveness for such humiliation and betrayal.

28 May 2014

Mikhail Osherov

TsIA Novorossiya 


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28 May 2014. WATCH THIS VIDEO. It Proves the Evil Uniate War Crimes Going on in Novorossiya… It’s Less than Four Minutes

00 #savedonbasspeople 01. 28.05.14


00 Russia. For Decency! 28.05.14



Here’s the original description of the vid:

People of the whole world! Open your eyes. Our government is killing us. Please, don’t be indifferent! The new Ukrainian President, Poroshenko, ordered the repression of the free expression of the people of the Donbass, using a massive attack from the air and ground. Shelling conducted virtually around the clock! Residents given three hours to leave their city! We urge all sane forces of the international community to stop this lawlessness committed by the illegal rebel Ukrainian government! Stop the war! Executioners Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Tyagnibok, Timoshenko, Farion, and Turchinov must pay for their crimes! #SAVEDONBASSPEOPLE! We need to stop it! Spread this video everywhere you can.

Quite. Most people in the West don’t understand the full import of this war. It’s a struggle between Orthodoxy and the Unia… between socialism and fascism… between social justice and unbridled crapitalist greed… between Holy Rus and Eurosodom… between the Russian World’s reality against a contrived and invented “Ukraine”. The most basic struggle is that between Orthodoxy and the Unia… between the Orthosphere and the West. The Unia was objectively evil since its start in 1596. Yes, innocent people were and are caught up in it… but do note their silence… their silent consent to all the evil that flows from the fountainhead of falsehood. A friend truly told me:

Sadly, the loudmouths trump the Joe Six-pack Uniates. They’re afraid of their fanatic coreligionists. They cling to popery because it’s all they’ve known. However, they wish us well. Perhaps, you could differentiate between Uniates who wish us no ill-will vs the crazed nationalist/popish janissaries?

Even though such is so, one can’t escape the fact that the Unia IS inescapably evil, an imposture, an artifice to confuse and fuddle the simple amongst us. Yes, there are many excellent people amongst the Uniates… yet, that doesn’t cancel the fact that their “church” is a lie from top to bottom. No, they didn’t make that lie, ’tis true, but they give money to help fascist causes, they glorify fascist collaborationists from the VOV, they support the murderers in Novorossiya, and they believe in a Polish/German/Vatican fairy tale called the “Ukraine”. We’re on opposite sides of the barricades. I’ll use my God-given talents to uphold Christ’s Church and oppose the Vatican’s soulless golem. I hate no individual Uniate, but I hate the Unia with all my heart, especially, after seeing the innocent blood spilt by Uniate pigs in our Russian lands. If Uniates wish us well… rejoin us! That’s the only real choice open to them.

There’s no turning back… the Uniates thrust a knife into our backs and cackled in glee. Remember the dead of the Dom Profsoyuzov fire… the Uniates killed them because they were Russian, Orthodox, and leftist. Never forget that. The Mother-Motherland NEVER forgets…


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A Large Group of Volunteers from “Friendly State” and Modern Weapons Arrived in the Donbass!

00 We ARE Moskali! 10.03.14

We’re NOT OK with it! We ARE Moskali!


Here’s a Cossack war song and warrior dances to get you in the mood


On Tuesday, the media service of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) reported that the Donbass People’s Opolchenie (DNO) received reinforcements from a “friendly state” yesterday, saying, “Today, spetsnaz volunteers arrived here from a friendly state! There are a lot of them. Moreover, a third county sent the DNR portable SAM missiles capable of destroying combat aircraft and helicopters. Now, heat traps won’t help the bandits!” The DNO also received up-to-date ATGMs.


Poroshenko crows that he’s going to “blitzkrieg” Novorossiya… he’s a vacant boaster. That’s why the Anglo-Americans like him… he’s as empty and vacuous as they are. America’s gone down the shitter since Slobberin’ Ronnie’s term. It’s become the foremost Mammon-worshipping state on the planet. Russia stands against that, and that angers the wilful and spiteful Amerikantsy children. It looks like the Bear just said NYET to all of Poroshenko’s vapourings… don’t forget, he’s basically a Mafioso who made his pile in arms dealing, drugs, and prostitution rackets (he’s still allied with Mafia “families” like Clan Balogh in Zakarpatskaya… the Ukraine didn’t crack down on the Mafia like Vova did).

28 May 2014

Aleksandr Naznakomov

TsIA Novorossiya


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28 May 2014. A Photo Essay. This is Why I Believe in Holy Rus… NOT the Roman Catholic Pretensions… Sorry,Charlie…

00 vladimir putin. pavel sulyandziga. 22.05.14

President Putin with Pavel Sulyandiga, a prominent indigenous politician in the Russian Far East


00 Carpatho-Russian Lemko people. 26.04.14

Here are people from the other end of Holy Rus… Rusin people from Podkarpatskaya Rus in the Russian Far West


Orthodox divine liturgy in Alaska

The Alaska Native people are still part of Holy Rus 


00 Dr St Luka Voino-Yasenetsky train. Siberia. Russia. 28.05.14

A priest rings the bells on the Dr St Luka Voino-Yasenetsky  train, which serves as a free consultative and diagnostic medical centre (it also has a chapel), Divnogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Krai) in Siberia… all aboard for Holy Rus!



St Tikhon Russian Orthodox Monastery (St T’s) in South Canaan PA USA… yep, that’s Holy Rus, too


00 slavyansk. priest. 15.04.14

A priest blessing the opolchenie fighters in Free Slavyansk… you betcha that’s Holy Rus


00 Outremont parish. 04.12. Montreal QC. Fr George Lagodich

The Great White North (Canada) has its part of Holy Rus in Outremont QC


00 Cossack Christmas in Volgograd 02. 14.01.14

Cossacks are DEFINITELY part of Holy Rus


01a Bellinghausen Wedding

There’s even a little bit of Holy Rus in Antarctica


00 belarus. blessing soldiers. orthodox. 16.05.14

Blessing new recruits in Belarus… is there any question that’s Holy Rus?


01 Chinese Russian Orthodox priest in Harbin China

Holy Rus is still kickin’ in Harbin in Manchuria


Patriarch Kirill Ukraine 2010 08

The Ukraine is part of Holy Rus… NOT the West… it’s OURS (our blood soaks its soil)



There’s Holy Rus in the Merry Old Land of Oz (Australia)


00a ISS crew. 29.10.12. Baikonur

Baikonur is Holy Rus… up, up, and away!


00 North Pole-40 drift station scientists. 02.10.12

The Far North ain’t far from Holy Rus


00 22.04.12 Prayer Rally Moscow. Patr Kirill

Of course, Moscow IS Holy Rus… it’s not called the Centre for nothing


Barbara-Marie Drezhlo. Easter 2012 01


All too many Catholics in the Vatican (not so much ordinary RCs, who are just workaday Joes) denigrate us by calling us a “national church”… well, the above images prove that putdown wrong. However, there is such a thing as the Russian World… and the Vatican hates it (don’t get mad at the RCs down the  block… they don’t even know about such shit). What ticks off the Curia worse than anything else is that we refuse to kiss the Pope’s bum and become Uniates… there’s only one Head of the Church… Our Lord Christ… not some “infallible” Pope of Rome (no Pope in our town, thank you very much!). I say, let’s live in peace… but dump the condescension and do call off your Uniate attack dogs. We want to live in peace with all decent people, but we WILL fight if someone tries to drag us into the West. That’s what the present Ukrainian Civil War is all about. Shall the Ukraine remain a part of Holy Rus or shall the Vatican steal it from us? Time will tell… but I’d say, “Remember 1612, and remember Minin and Pozharsky”.


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