Voices from Russia

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Zakharchenko: “We’re Preparing a Second Large-Scale Offensive”

00 aleksandr zakharchenko. 27.08.14


Chairman of the DNR Government A V Zakharchenko said in an on-air interview on Russkoi Sluzhby Novostei (Russian News Service), “We continue to advance, we’re mopping up the pockets, and we’d like to break through and create a corridor between Donetsk and Lugansk. We’re preparing a second large-scale offensive. We have no shortage of arms and ammunition. In fact, the Ukrainian army provided us with enough equipment and ammunition, we captured quite a bit from them. Just in the last day, we captured about 40 pieces of equipment”. The DNR offensive on the southern strategic direction began on 24 August.

30 August 2014

Russkaya Vesna


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