Voices from Russia

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Borodai: “The Disintegration of the Ukrainian State is Absolutely Inevitable from the Standpoint of History and Philosophy”

00 Igor Kolga. The Ukrainian Government. 2014


In an interview with Gazeta.ru published Thursday, former Chairman of the DNR Government A Yu Borodai said, “The disintegration of the Ukrainian state is absolutely inevitable from the standpoint of history and philosophy. Actually, this state happens to be a buffer zone between the Russian World and the West. The question always was, ‘On what side does the Ukraine belong?’ It’s either the eastern edge of the Western World… or the western edge of Russia. We shouldn’t take the term “edge” as disparaging, as we may call Vladivostok, for example, the eastern edge of Russia. Historically, the Ukraine was a crossroads of mentalities and religions. The multiple political shake-ups that the Ukraine went through after the fall of USSR seriously affected its economy and its people’s moral state, as corruption became ubiquitous. Independent existence is impossible, especially given the sad condition that it‘s been in for the last 23 years”.

28 August 2014

Rossiya Segodnya


28 August 2014. My Reply to a Friend on My Mistake…

Filed under: personal reflections — 01varvara @ 00.00

01 no bullshit


I wrote to a friend of mine:

If you fuck up… YOU FUCK UP. That’s what I despise in the people I named [Dreher, Lil’ Mizz Ginny, Lyonyo & daughter, and Potapov]… they won’t stand up and say, “I fucked up”. I can do it… you can do it. FULL STOP. Take responsibility or go home, I say.

That’s my POV, the long and the short of it. If you’ve erred… come clean! DON’T give excuses… those are for kids and punks. However, I’d like to expand on why I named the people that I did.

Dreher claims to be an expert on Orthodoxy, yet, it’s abundantly clear that he knows little of our history, of our culture, and of our distinct civilisation. He got taken in by Dmitri Royster… that was strike one. He got taken in by Paffhausen (he’s still smitten, I’d say), that’s strike two. He got taken in by Potapov (I’ll admit…  he’s a smooth article; he does fool the superficial with his glibness and glad-handing)… yer out. It’s obvious that he knows little or nothing of Holy Rus or of the real history of the Russian Orthodox diaspora in the USA and Canada… he’s actually degenerated because he hasn’t taken the time to LEARN. He has to spend at least a decade in silence and study… I’ve done so and it’s enriched me.

Lyonyo is a long-time apparatchik… he believes that he can still “spin” the OCA news. That isn’t so… do look at how he hates any of us who issue views contrary to his (actually, all too many in the SVS/Syosset crowd are like that). His daughter is a hack journalist who writes whatever dreck her Anglo bosses toss at her (her latest piece on The Art Newspaper about Kaliningrad Oblast was a howler… anyone could tell that the illustration didn’t match the text… it was obviously Romanesque, NOT Gothic). To be truthful, she probably wrote her text without knowing what image was going up. This shows a basic lack of care and respect for her audience (I believe that a journalist MUST respect their audience, first of all… if you don’t, it’s obvious).

Potapov is a loyal Step n’ Fetchit house nigger of the US government and does its bidding… he’s spent decades working for a CIA front, but everyone knows that, so there’s no need to expatiate. He sold out for a measly mess of pottage in the Maryland ‘burbs. Everyone knows that he hangs around the most feral sorts on K Street and in the Washington media (he got the Washington Times freelancer to ghost-write Paffso’s puff piece in the Washington Post). Note well that Potapov is silent about Orthodoxy’s crucifixion in Novorossiya. None dare call it treasonous and treacherous…

As for oca.org and its whole staff… they’re people with credentials, not hearts… nor good sense… nor journalistic instinct… nor love for their audience. They’re running dogs for the Syosset apparat… they’d do better to emulate V R Legoida, not Lyonyo, but that’s not going to happen. Sad…

We have a shit-spattered byre to clean up… our so-called “media voices” are rather pathetic. Shall we care enough to clean it up? That remains to be seen…


NATO Not Obliged to Protect the Ukraine, Not Going to Discuss Membership at Upcoming Summit

00 Naïve and Oblivious. 28.08.14

I wonder how Lil’ Mizz Jenny is going to spin this one? The USA just stepped in a malodorous cow pat for all to see… its client is going down, and its allies won’t help it pull the situation out of the shitter. Where’s the Munchkin Coroner? We’re gonna need him shortly…


A high-ranking NATO official told journalists, “In Wales, we’ll make an announcement on the form of military consultations and financial support for Ukrainian military forces on behalf of the alliance. There’ll be no obligations to protect the Ukraine; since the Ukraine isn’t a member of the 28-party alliance, we have no obligations to react to the violation of [Ukrainian] sovereignty. Such relations satisfy all parties, and no change to the relations between NATO and Ukraine are on the agenda. NATO membership comes from a country. NATO doesn’t address Sweden, Finland, or the Ukraine and say, ‘What do you think?’ It always comes from a country. The Ukrainians said that it wasn’t on their agenda. We’re not looking for new members; new members are looking for us”. On Wednesday, Ukrainian “Prime Minister” A P Yatsenyuk said, “We expect practical assistance and monumental decisions from our Western partners at the summit”, which will take place in Newport in Wales (UK), on 4-5 September.

28 August 2014

Rossiya Segodnya



NATO’s giving the junta the bum’s rush. Merkel predicted that there’d be no breakthrough in Minsk on Tuesday, and she was right. The European allies want nothing to do with Washington’s goading of the bear… after all, they ARE dependent on Russian gas, and the USA CAN’T help them with that in either the long- or the short-term. NATO believes that the junta is on the ropes… there’s no joy in Mudville today (nor at Suzy-Q in Kerhonksen, either). The junta rats had best prepare their boltholes… their “country” is a goner. “The Ukraine isn’t dead yet”… but it shall be, and in short order. We need the Munchkin coroner to sing, “I thoroughly examined her; she’s not merely dead, she’s most sincerely dead”… and no one will miss this misbegotten excuse for a country.


28 August 2014. Well, Dog My Cat!! ERROR!! I SCREWED UP. Something Bundled with Obits… Shoulda Looked Closer. MY BAD (NO EXCUSES, KIDS)

Filed under: personal reflections — 01varvara @ 00.00
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00 OOPS! Computer. 14.09.13


Well, I FUCKED UP. ROYALLY. The article on Archimandrite Pitirim Stehnach was bundled with a bunch of obits (got ’em from a W PA contact in Yinzerville)… did I look closely enough?


Any responsible agency or individual screws up occasionally. However, ya gotta step up and admit your mistake. I DO THAT… unlike certain other people and websites I could name (like oca.org). It was my mistake… my bad… my mistake… no excuses… no bullshit. However, do note that I accept the brickbats as well as the roses. Do note that certain people don’t… especially, those tied in with the Western media machine. Hat tip to my informant. It keeps me honest (unlike Dreher, Lil’ Mizz Ginny, Lyonyo & daughter, and Potapov).


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