Voices from Russia

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Sensationalist Rightwing Post Devoid of Fact… As Per Usual

01 danger.zombies.run

You are now entering a fact-free zone… the lair of the Pro-Lifer… enter at your own risk


Read this. This isn’t at all what responsible MDs and scientists are writing in serious peer-reviewed journals. If you wish any information on transsexuality (the actual medical/technical term), you won’t find it in the so-called “Pro-Life” media. It isn’t vetted for accuracy and scientific veracity, so, virtually all of it’s nonsense and/or garbled rubbish. Do remember the faked Planned Parenthood videos. There has yet to be a verified assault on anyone in the ladies’ room by disguised men. I sure haven’t seen it nor have any other gals of my acquaintance seen or heard of such. Have a care with “conservatives”… they believe that “winning is the only thing” and that anything done to win one’s point is legit. I’d advise having as little as possible to do with such people, if you can. They not only hold untrue and bigoted beliefs on transsexuality, they also hold such on many issues. Be wary of them, for they hide their hatred and bias under the Church’s vesture. The times are dark, so, please, do have a care…


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