Voices from Russia

Monday, 12 September 2011

12 September 2011. The Amazin’ Disappearing and Reappearing Post on Lyonyo’s Junket to Moscow on patriarchia.ru

Well, well, well, Lyonyo’s junket is in the news again on patriarchia.ru:


There’s no difference in the text, save for the fact that Beyrle’s wife is mentioned in the latest incarnation of this missive. Shall it stay put? Who knows? Everyone knows how Lyonyo and his assorted pals in Syosset, SVS, and the ROCOR (Stokoe’ the worst of the lot) like to “edit” history. Anything that they don’t like goes down the “memory hole”… it was “misreported”, dontcha know (there’s been three major “re-edits” of OCA/ROCOR history, so far)! It was reposted at 09.45 MSK (06.45 UTC 01.45 EDT 22.45 11 September)… I was only 15 minutes off in my prediction. This was a Chinese Fire Drill… someone goofed up, and Papa Bear (KMG) won’t be inclined to be forgiving (as it was a public and visible snafu). Someone’s going to Magadan… pack your snuggies, son!


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