Voices from Russia

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

25 March 2015. Thank You for the Victory! Uphold the Values of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, NOT the Values of the Nazi Monsters!

00 Thank you for the victory 01. 25.03.15


00 Thank you for the victory 03. 25.03.15


Our fathers and grandfathers fought together, as one, to extinguish the evil that was Nazism. Today, the leadership elements of the USA, political, media, corporate, and social, uphold states like the Ukraine, Estonia, and Latvia that espouse neofascism… what happened? Indeed… what happened? I’d say that the USA abandoned the ideals of the New Deal and started to worship the Almighty Dollar. Think on that…

Remember those who came before us and never forget what they endured to smash Hitler and his evil. Don’t support the heirs of the Nazis today. Support the free people of Novorossiya… it’s your duty before God and man…

Nothing is forgotten… No one is forgotten!

They all had faces… They all had names…

They cleansed the earth of a horrid evil…



25 March 2015. For Ye are All the Children of God…

00 In christ, there is neither jew nor greek. 25.03.15


25 March 2015. A Thought from St Kiprian of Carthage…

00 St Kiprian of Carthage. 25.03.15


Yes, the wealthy are the slaves of their wealth… but the people immediately below them, their willing and eager lickspittles, are even worse. That is, the Koch Brothers and the late Steve Jobs were/are asshats, but Ted Cruz, Chilly Hilly, Marco Rubio, and Andrew Cuomo (and Rod Dreher and Victor Potapov on a smaller scale) are far worse… they’re drooling fawning devotees of wealth… so, they do the wishes of the Affluent Effluent.

Yes… power corrupts… but the love of money is the root of ALL evil. The Apostle said that… do note that the religious hobbyists don’t have much to say on that, do they? It might cramp their attachment to the Prosperity Gospel, wouldn’t it?


25 March 2015. From the Russian Web… What Your Cat Can Do For You: Help You Cook Dinner!

00 cat in kitchen. 25.03.15


Instead of having Kitty for dinner, why not have Kitty help you cook dinner? Unless, of course, you set your heart on Miao Gai Pan…


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